Telephone directory Phone number review

"Phone number review" - the project was created to receive negative or positive information about phone number owners, comments and feedback about companies and quality of their service, information exchange, regarding fraud or SPAM. Visitors of the site can get acquainted with the data of our US telephone directory. However, that information is not 100% completely reliable. In any event, it will help to avoid problems with scammers and criminals. If you have useful information about any phone number, or its owner - leave a comment here. Everyday updating of the telephone directory data enables many people to get over the deception, negative consequences of fraudulent actions, and also get information about dishonest owners of specific phone numbers. Whatever information provided by you may helped many people. Website co-workers also searches for information about every request that you have left. The Administration is grateful to you for providing this materials.

Last comments


6104774694 or +16104774694

Desdemona Renfield. commented 2024-05-19
Call came in Saturday morning (!) and my husband told the caller to take our # out of their database. Caller ID said "AFPA-PA" & I could find almost NO info about it and NONE with the # attached, but he thinks it's a right wing PAC run by the Koch brothers... so, slimy AND spam....


2094759120 or +12094759120

Satañ commented 2024-05-18
Ur both history now


2092985907 or +12092985907

Lord lucif commented 2024-05-18
Stay away lukey!


4847155181 or +14847155181

eshkere commented 2024-05-16
я ваша мама делал приятно


7243641496 or +17243641496

Yuliya F commented 2024-05-15
Apparently a car warranty spam call. In my case, call went to voicemail but no message was left. Caller ID just said "BROWNSVILLE PA" (yes with the space in the middle, pushing the text to the edges of the screen -- often a red flag that it's spam...).


4258820788 or +14258820788

Hai James commented 2020-05-21
Another site told me that this is Standard Process Labs NW 22908 NE Alder Crest Dr Redmond WA JERRY LINNENKOHL!


7079632163 or +17079632163

Damien Larkins commented 2019-03-13
My phone book says this is MR Bruce Lefavour Saint Helena CA!


9734771642 or +19734771642

Mason Monzonis commented 2020-05-01
WhatsApp this number is signed as a AL PEARSON EAST ORANGE NJ


3614386219 or +13614386219

Rolland commented 2019-08-29


6179352196 or +16179352196

Sherlock commented 2020-05-30
In the telephone directory this number is signed as KEIR WALKER CHARLESTOWN MA!


2146692376 or +12146692376

Maria commented 2019-07-21
In one forum, I found out that this is JANE ZHANG DALLAS TX


2702680695 or +12702680695

Calhoun commented 2020-05-28
Google told me that this is Scott Reesor


5058644448 or +15058644448

Carrington commented 2020-05-14
In Viber, this number is signed as a Noblin Funeral Service 418 W Reinken Ave, Belen!


5706479127 or +15706479127

Francisco commented 2020-08-31
On the announcement site, this number is signed as paige gill Honesdale PA!


6015030270 or +16015030270

Bush commented 2020-08-05
I have this number signed as Mary Walker Jackson MS


7816471993 or +17816471993

Lawrence commented 2019-09-21
From social networks, I found out that this is Craig Williams Newton MA!


9037292852 or +19037292852

Garret Gonzalez commented 2020-09-25
The application on my phone gave me that it is SANDRA WHITWORTH PALESTINE TX DODGE JOURNEY 2009 3D4GG47B09T190541!


8014658849 or +18014658849

Oscar commented 2021-03-22
On social networks, this number is signed as a JOSEPH BURGESS PAYSON UT TOYOTA CAMRY 4DR SEDAN 1997 4T1BF22K2VU902341!


6825513381 or +16825513381

Terry Matapaja commented 2020-12-17
The application on my phone answered me that it is Robert Carter San Diego CA Saab 44264 2007 YS3FH41UX71132286


4102074715 or +14102074715

Jordan Quincy commented 2021-02-04
From social networks, I found out that this is Kevin Palmer Perry Hall MD Cadillac SRX 2013 3GYFNHE3XDS529025